Torqstorm.. let's see how it does

Did you tell them what size pulleys you needed? I spoke with their sales guy at Moparty and he was a bit of a jerk. I need provisions for a trigger wheel on my crank pulley (EFI crank sensor) and either he was tired of answering dumb questions all day or he didn’t understand what I was talking about. I’m very interested in buying one of these but damn, that guys attitude is making it hard for me. I’m hoping their engineers are smarter (and more friendly) than their sales guy. At the end of our conversation it seems like they can make anything I want for the crank pulley. (I hope so, they have insane CNC machines) it’s unclear if I’ll have to supply them with a drawing or if they can do it.
No I did not. I basically got lucky.

When I asked their sales guy a few months back about the pulley I didn't get much of an answer. Just "it's designed to be used with stock balancer". Which wasn't what I asked. Lol

Maybe calling them directly might yield better results than a sales guy over e-mail like I did. At least might get someone in design.