Recent content by 413

  1. 4

    Oiling issues

    How much oil pressure does your gauge show?
  2. 4

    Speedo gears

    The speedo gears fit all trans types, 1966 to late 70's. The difference is inside the speedo.
  3. 4

    Has anyone install a grease nipple on a ball and trunion for a 1962 Valiant

    No. The grease needs to be in there evenly on both front and back sides of the balls and each chamber. You would need 4 fittings. And you wouldn't want to drill through where the end caps rode or the balls in the track, would, make a rough spot and tear it up. Also it should not be full...
  4. 4

    Inserting Axle Into Housing

    Before you bolted the case halves together did you insert axles into the sides of the sure grip to line up both of the side gears?
  5. 4

    Unknown electrical component

    Judging by the item next to it with a missing bolt, swapped engine and paint color, that item is added on to a 1967. A starter relay has bolt on terminals. A horn relay doesn't have that many terminals.
  6. 4

    .150 clutch pack clearance

    .048 is too tight, throw that wavy ring in the trash, they are the thing to use. Using an old steel is to do, it won't hurt anything.
  7. 4

    How would you rebuild this 318?

    Are you sure it's not: A loose converter bolt? Cracked flex plate? Loose balancer bolt? Loose lower pulley bolts? How many miles are on it? if it has a bad rod or main bearing why would it need bored out again. Must take apart and know what's wrong first.
  8. 4

    not sure what to think ??

    Obvious, guy wanted a mopar but couldn't afford one. This is plan B
  9. 4

    Headliner or Glass... Which should go First?

    Since you have a choice then liner first. Upholtery shops do headliner all day with glass in the car. I've done 6 headliners, all with glass in the car, it's not a big deal. I've taken one out of a wrecked car and put it in another car, was easier than doing a new one. Edit, I've done BCE...
  10. 4

    Guess this Lift and Duration n this mystery Camshaft!!!

    What is the idle speed? And the idle vacuum? Idles too smooth and low rpm for a 484 or bigger
  11. 4

    Identifying my Current 15 Inch Wheels - and thoughts about wheel replacements

    They look pretty cool, someone will want them. If you don't like it that's fine, I like stock sized stuff also.
  12. 4

    Slant 6 904 case question

    Looks like near the top which is good, at bottom I wouldn't try it. You can get it flat and clean, fill it with sealer when installing front pump. Just enough sealer to fill the gap, not much more to control the ooze. Sealer on pump side also, just a small amount. The right stuff is a good...
  13. 4

    2.76 vs 2.94 gearing

    It's free to manually downshift at any time you feel it's needed.
  14. 4

    2.76 vs 2.94 gearing

    People, it's more than freeway RPM, it is torque multiplication, and a 273 doesn't have much to spare. 2.76 gears killed a 383-2bbl for me. Remember your 10 speed bike?