Recent content by zkx14

  1. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Mornin peeps. Finally got the Duster out for a ride just now. First in a LONG time.. Just several miles down the road and back. Started great. Ran great. Still seems way loud (not really a good loud either, lol), just before it upshifts into highest gear. Thinking its an exhaust resonance...
  2. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Our neighbors got 3 and it seems like at least one is always outside. Usually on the porch. Anything moves or makes a sound they bark. :mad: Do you know if this one is good? Seriously thinking about getting something like this. I saw one that I could put at the side of the house and them...
  3. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I need to check mine. Haven’t done anything to it except a little leveling adjustment. Mae ran it last week - think a blade is bent…
  4. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Haven't had that in a long time. Always thought it was decent stuff. Lately I mostly get whatever the discount store has. The have a 'regular' localish one they always have, but get some better ones as well. I am overdue to get some good stuff from Mr Hotz... Good Morning
  5. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Just saw this driveway for Ford owners to give better foot traction pushing them back up to the house.
  6. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    There was a show not far from me today. But I worked a half shift, so would have been about done by the time I could have got there.
  7. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Actually just had my first beer in over a month. Back around Easter, I was weighing in over 225. Decided once the existing supply in fridge was gone there would be no restock for a while. Between the beer and eating less, I am making progress. As of earlier this week, I am under 220. So I am...
  8. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    You know they got you all over FB? Good Morning
  9. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  10. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  11. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Nearing 70 here, but still mostly cloud covered. Grass was still pretty wet. Done around the house. Looked like a salad shooter. Just finished scraping grass gunk from under the deck with a putty knife. Quite the mess...
  12. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Neighbors are having a garden 'built'. Not him doing the work. Nice, but not a real professional job,so thinking maybe a friend or relative.
  13. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Burning would kill the Trumpet vine, so can't go that route. I'm not worried about getting all of it. Just enough to landscape whats left. The rest can rot out.
  14. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I certainly don't want to add much to my outside work. No shortage of to-do list. Going to mow around the house shortly. Just letting it dry out a bit. Might get the chainsaw out later. Been nipping away at the roots on this stump. Ready to get serious on it. LOL Want to knock the top...
  15. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    That's why I moved it closer to the house. Can reach with the water hose if needed. Plus it's not as much critter traffic. Some rabbits and ground hogs still, but deer rarely come up that far.