gas struts for Duster hood

I have a 70 Duster with a stock flat hood. It appears the hood has seen the weight of a lot of beer drinkers over the years, and has several dips.

I am getting ready to have the car painted, and know if I keep this hood it's going to end up with a lot of filler on it. I don't mind that, but experience tells me the factory hinges might not be able to lift the heavier hood, and it won't stay up without a prop.
I want to keep the look of an original hood, so as I see it I have two options. I could get a new aftermarket hood and stay with the factory hinges, except I'm not sure on the quality/fit of a new hood.

Or, I could put the filler on and switch to some gas struts. There is nothing special about the car, so there is nothing to "preserve", so to speak.

So I am looking for some recommendations on the struts-length, load capacity, etc. from anyone that has experience with them.