who has Doris Days' Barracuda ?

How do you know what she was like behind the scenes? :p
She was my wife's 3nd cousin.
My Mother in Law's 2st cousin.
I think Doris's mother and my MIL's mother were 1st cousins. Don't hold me to that. I do know that the family is very German and the lot of them came to Cincinnati in the 1870's. Their name was Welz, they Americanized it Wells during WWI. They all lived in the Over the Rhine area in Cincinnati. Couldn't pay me to live there now.
Before all the older ladies in the family passed away, there was this massive family reunion every year. Every year Doris would be invited, but she never came. Always sent a note that would be read. A big deal was always made about Doris Day on my wife's side of the family. I know you couldn't say anything bad about the lady (not that there really was anything to say other than she was married a few times and that was a scandal in a very Catholic family).