Nope of the day

Lotsa good NOPE's in here.

I have to say though, that the ski lift pic that floats around is deceptive.
If you could see from the side, they are only about 10-15 feet above ground.
Maybe not even that much.

One thing that I probably shouldn't have done, back when I was about 15...

I had a summer job in the next county over, doing some heavy landscaping work with a friend.
He was two years older and drove us there. One week he went out of town, so I borrowed his moped to get to work.
The "normal" way to get there was on 55 MPH roads. No way was I going to go 55, and I didn't have a license (you need one in OH).
I knew a back way, through about 7 different neighborhoods.
I knew they were building an I-75 bypass...but it just so happens that since I had been that way, they had torn up some of the streets, graded, and installed a pedestrian walkway, about where the cut over was between two neighborhoods.
It was about 75 feet above the concrete underpavement, about 150-200 feel long, and it wasn't finished.
It was only about 4 feet wide and had no side railings....

...but I rode that moped over it.

Not today, I wouldn't.