Anyone here with a dog that has had a TPLO procedure?

Andre (2 year old rottweiler) had his TPLO surgery done on Dec 13 2023. We reduced his weight from 100 to 95#. After the surgery there are no stairs for two weeks. No unleashed pees or poops. A steady medication to reduce inflammation and to keep him comfortable (anxiety).

We kept him on leash only for about 8 weeks and encouraged no spazzing out after that as well. His primary exercise is/was swimming.

He injured himself with just some straightline acceleration going for the ball.

We have been very careful to get that leg up n running as to not injure the other.

EDIT: We got a ramp for the car.

He was a well behaved/trained boy before this happened and that paid dividends.

I dont do dog parks anymore.

I could have gotten it done cheaper, but I didnt. 7K. Money well spent IMHO.

There are re-hab situations that you could investigate. Its time and money as well but obviously less invasive.

Good luck.