He just runs right over old farm tractor

What were his options? Fly the tractor in with a helicopter? Don't be ridiculous. There are rural areas all over the country and people drive tractors everywhere to get them there. We see them out here all the time. I DROVE my 49 Ford 8N 6 miles to a tractor show years ago. Took 45 minutes. Admittly, Kitty followed me in her car, but nonetheless, I had my slow vehicle sign on the back in FULL view. I called and asked our local Sheriff's department before I did it, but I already knew the answer. They said "Yes sir, as long as you have your sign posted on the rear of your tractor, you're fine" Wise? You tell me what his options were. Tow it? 100 bucks for what? a couple miles? Yeah, screw that. Trucker was 100% at fault. Any law enforcement officer in any rural county would tell you the guy driving the tractor had every right of way given him by the law. Not to mention he was hit from behind. The only time I know of that's not the fault of the vehicle in the back is when the front vehicle is backing up. Otherwise, it's always 100% the fault of the person in the back. It's just wrong headed to think the guy driving the tractor was any way whatsoever in the wrong.
Please see attached photo. This is where tractor man belongs when using his decidedly off-road vehicle to go long distances along a divided highway.

That trucker would have hit somebody doing 5mph less than him. The speed of the tractor had ZERO to do with the collision.

Trucker was in the wrong, but someone going five under on the freeway is a lot less likely to be hit (much more relative time between vehicles) and a lot less danger (much less relative velocity) than someone going fifty under...
I agree, lots of death on YouTube. Sharks have always intrigued me and a video of a child getting attacked and killed popped up. You can't unsee that s**t.

Tbh, I think people need to see this stuff. They're not going to look up from their phones to see it in reality like we used to, and that was how we learned back in the day....