2 barrel to 4 barrel

I get what you were saying, my point if highway ain’t apart of your driving then you could be pretty open to run any gear.

Maybe it’s where I live just outside of Toronto, I could go my whole life without the need for the highway. When I do take it I’m on there 15-20 minutes max. Seems to be more important in America.

I see your Canadian too :)
Yes, a pissed off Canuk. Turdo is breaking us. I am kind of half way between Edmomton and Grand Prairie. Both about 1.75 hours with Edmonton having greater selection. Red Deer is 3 to 3.5 hours. So for me keeping the revs lower is a big factor. Living in southern Ontario with the population is more like Europe. Distances are much closer. For here EVs are rediculous. There would be no chance at -35°C in the winter to drive to Edmonton without a 1 to 2 hour stop to charge. Even in your area the cold limits the range. The short distances are to your benefit. EVs seem to function fairly well on the west coast with the temperate climate, but battery life is coming up short while replacement costs are rediculous. The left dishonourable prime peckerhead of Canada, daesh dustbin turdo will get a fight out of me with his wokie tokie nonsense. They can not get a straight answer out of him and his minions to save our souls. Then there is the prop, speaker Farkus!