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  1. hemi71x

    What happened to the red X option

    The RED X is still there on the B, C, bodies sites. Or will it be taken off those sites also, just hasn't gotten around to doing it, yet?
  2. hemi71x

    Feedback score

    Not on any of my computers, it isn't.
  3. hemi71x

    Pop-Up Ads

  4. hemi71x

    Pop-Up Ads

    I'm a gold member on the A & B body sites so i don't get any ads. But i also follow the E & C body sites. Over there i use the FIREFOX browser, with an ad blocker. Guess what, NO ads. I don't know if your using a computer, or a smart phone. I don't know a damm thing about phones, but if your...
  5. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    I guess you don't then either? I see you made a comment, so what are you up to?
  6. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Wow, when i gave up my old land line phone, for a cheap, bottom of the barrel, Consumer Cellular cell phone, all that i ever used it for is to get incoming phone calls, and make outgoing phone calls. Have no idea at all about these airplane modes, and other things the phone can do for me. I'm...
  7. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Talked with my "computer guru" and now have "Firefox" on my desktop computer as the browser. Getting used to it, as really not that much to get used to. I had Internet Explorer before this, and my computer guy told me it's useless, in this modern computer world. And yes, all the ads are now gone...
  8. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Ya, my computer guru drilled it into my head, a long time ago, not to do anything with the computer(s) without asking him first, when i downloaded something that i shouldn't have, that he had to go in and fix. Ever since that time I'm apprehensive about doing something, that i haven't done...
  9. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Thank's for that heads up. I'm gonna give my "computer guru" a phone call tomorrow, and talk to him about this Firefox Browser changeover. Honest with you, i'm rather apprehensive doing it on my own, even though it's probably a painless thing to do. I'm a guy that hates changes.
  10. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    George Jets. I see that your also a "gold member" so you should be in the "no ads" category, too. Would this Firefox program work, in doing away with ads, if you weren't a gold member that's supposed to significantly do away with ads?
  11. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Oh, i agree the 50 bucks being gold is a Ok, being a parts seller, on this site. It's this "ad" thing that has been brought to the surface, that were in discussion about. Truthful, and honest, with you here, without turning this posting political, trying to sell parts, these days, due to this...
  12. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Right now, viewing this site, a little bit has changed while scrolling down to the very bottom of the page. OTHER SITES TO VISIT has now changed to smaller print, and on the very left side of the page. And there's only ONE ad. Dunno. But, that's an improvement, right now, at my end. Guess i can...
  13. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    My computer guru has told me numerous times in the past, not to do anything, download anything, change anything, on your computer without talking to him. Because in the past when this computer illiterate does something, did something, on the computer for some reason or other, i F something up...
  14. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    FYI I Don't do anything with a phone, except for using it to make outgoing phone calls, and getting incoming phone calls. And if callers are savvy enough to leave me a voice mail message, that's it. I gave up a "land line" phone not that long age to get one of these damm cell phones. I use a...
  15. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Ya, you know, i could live with that, but with the no ads stipulation. May i politely ask, if you sell parts?
  16. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    So then, they ARE getting ads, but they don't get to the very bottom of the page? I scroll down, to sometimes click onto another site to wander around on, when i have some idle time to kill. So, if your thinking I'm complaining, so be it. I just wan't to figure out what the hell i paid 50 bucks...
  17. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    "CONSIDERALLY FEWER ADS" is how you now get to explain it, but you will still get ads. Choice, select, wording to get around the issue. Sounds like Perry Mason writing that statement in a legalese way in the wording in that sentence. Then tell me why others are stating that they DON'T get any...
  18. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    George jetson: Well, good for you. No ads what so ever. You being gold membership also. Then tell me why, me being "gold" also that i paid the 50 bucks for, is getting ads? Something's fishy, and not right?
  19. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    You make a living having a web site? How in the world does that work? You don't hafta get up in the morning to commute to a job, to drive the bus, or work in a factory, if there's such a thing in America anymore. How much is being charged to these companies that advertise on these web sites? And...
  20. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    Ok. Then what, one day, one week, a couple of weeks from now? What kind of time line, do you think?
  21. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    RRR Explain to me an illiterate old man individual, when it comes to this computer and internet world, what expense(s) are there to be paid to operate, run, a web site? I dunno.. Can anyone explain the $$$$$ what expense there is, that someone like me can understand. I paid the 50 bucks a year...
  22. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    How about if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page? Do you get two ads at the very bottom?
  23. hemi71x

    Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

    I'm a gold member, not supposed to see ads, and during one viewing this morning, an ad showed up in the middle of the page that i was looking at. Other members have been commenting, in regards to this issue, but the owner of the site hasn't commented back at all, as to what's now going on. I...
  24. hemi71x

    Forum Software Upgraded

    Took me quite awhile to re learn how to get my signature picture to show up again. I'm not computer knowledgeable enough to figure that s#*t out in my old age. I really hate it when computer stuff gets me frustrated in my old age. But i'm now a happy camper, again. Jim V. hemi71x
  25. hemi71x

    "Cookies" pop up at the bottom of the page. What's going on?

    Don't know how to do that. I'm a computer illiterate old man, when it comes to changing something around.
  26. hemi71x

    "Cookies" pop up at the bottom of the page. What's going on?

    I stated, both my desktop, and laptop computers. I don't have that type of phone.
  27. hemi71x

    "Cookies" pop up at the bottom of the page. What's going on?

    No, i don't think that's the issue. I renewed on the B body site, but don't know when my gold membership expires on this site. Why would it pop up, if i'm already a gold member on both the A and B body sites. Something's fishy? FYI Just checked. Gold Membership expires, April 2022.
  28. hemi71x

    "Cookies" pop up at the bottom of the page. What's going on?

    What's going on with the pop up's that are showing up at the bottom of the page in regards to cookies being saved or sold? Been getting them on the A, B, C, E, body sites, on both my desktop, and laptop, computers. I click on the don't sell the information, but they show up again, when i again...
  29. hemi71x

    How do I edit or delete a post or thread ?

    After a certain amount of days, the ad "times out" and then you won't be able too, any longer.