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  1. lemondana

    Guys keep your wives happy and please put the toilet seat down.

    When they use that much, they have to lay it out in order, only goes on one way. It takes to long to reorganize it
  2. lemondana

    Sears Catalogs Helped Generations Grow Up

    Dyke hair was attractive before they became dykes
  3. lemondana

    My Luck

    That's why I didn't have kids.
  4. lemondana

    My Luck

    Stupid leftist city slickers would try to pet them!
  5. lemondana

    My Luck

    Like purple micro-dot?
  6. lemondana

    My Luck

    No offence meant.
  7. lemondana

    My Luck

    You must be a city slicker.
  8. lemondana

    My Luck

    What's this world coming to?
  9. lemondana

    My Luck

    The wife and I went to a steakhouse the other day, they have the Rocky Mountain Oysters on the menu. Neither one of us have had them in years, we ordered them-they weren't like I remembered them. They have a ******** Festival every year. The name of the place is The Round The Bend Steakhouse...
  10. lemondana

    My Luck

    I have this highway that comes into town near me. It used to go from 55 mph to 25 mph. The law enforcement would always stand under an evergreen tree on the corner with a portable radar gun. I always wished I had I Dream Of Jeannie's power-I would have made the officer **** in his pants every...
  11. lemondana

    My Luck

    This pink house looks like the Simpsons house, right?
  12. lemondana

    Sheer Panic--No Brakes!

    She must have learned to drive on a car that had a lumpy cam in it.
  13. lemondana

    My Luck

    This reminds me of a night many years ago when I was younger. I went out with some coworkers for a couple drinks celebrating a supervisors last night. This nice looking blonde that I worked right beside just had carpel tunnel surgery, so she only had 1 free hand. We were all leaving and she had...
  14. lemondana

    My Luck

  15. lemondana

    My Luck

    And you have to hold the activation slide back in order to shoot.
  16. lemondana

    My Luck

    I'm sure glad this was just the matching numbers 302 out of my '69 Z28, rather than the 318 out of my work truck!:rofl:
  17. lemondana

    My Luck

    And that's when the fight started!
  18. lemondana

    My Luck

  19. lemondana

    My Luck

    How do you like all the illegals flooding your blue state?
  20. lemondana

    My Luck

    Biden's illegals are getting whatever they want plus more.
  21. lemondana

    Walmart wedding

    I'd hate to see them kids!:rofl:
  22. lemondana

    My miniature dachshund wanted a taste of my latte.

    My little teacup poodle loves coffee too. I have a cup in the morning and one at night when I get home, I use cream and sugar-bad I know. I leave him about a teaspoon in the cup and he'll lick the cup clean. When I'm still drinking, he'll stand on the arm of the chair like a pointer waiting...
  23. lemondana

    Monica Lewinski

    Then Bill stuff it down Hillary's mouth and choke her to death.
  24. lemondana

    Monica Lewinski

    To bad Hillary didn't cut it off.:rofl:
  25. lemondana

    Monica Lewinski

    Ole Bill still denies it:rofl:
  26. lemondana

    Moving right along on this wiring job

    The meth heads would only need a ladder and might not damage the walls. Hook the wires up to 220 at night. :lol:
  27. lemondana

    girl says she is good house keeper

    Well-we all want to know-did you bang her? :lol:
  28. lemondana

    Wal*Mart shoppers

    They need to give those poor old guys chairs to sit on.
  29. lemondana

    I finally saw a spy ballon

    Is that not Whoopi? :lol: My mistake, if it's not.