Search results for query: *

  1. 383Duster

    Blind salesman

    A woman goes into Discount Fishing Supplies to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get, so she just picks one and goes over to the counter. The salesman is standing there, wearing dark shades. She says, "Excuse me. Can you tell me anything...
  2. 383Duster

    Muslim book store

    So, I was walking through the mall, and saw that there was a “Muslim Book Store.” I was wondering what exactly was in a “Muslim book store” so I went on in. I was wandering around taking a look and the clerk stopped me asked if he could help me, I imagine that I didn’t look like his...
  3. 383Duster


    A guy called his boss and told him he couldn't make it in to work because he was sick. His boss asked him how sick was he? He said I am in bed naked with my that sick enough for you?
  4. 383Duster

    Broken clock

  5. 383Duster

    At least it's not a Mopar

  6. 383Duster

    Plymouth what? maybe the brand would still be around if they made more of these............
  7. 383Duster

    Joke of the day

    A man wakes up in the hospital bandaged from head to foot. The doctor comes in and says, "Ah, I see you've regained consciousness. Now you probably won't remember, but you were in a huge pile-up on the freeway. You're going to be okay, you'll walk again and everything, however, your *****...
  8. 383Duster

    Irish pub story

    I was in a pub on Saturday night. Had a few.... I noticed two large women by the bar. They both had strong accents so I asked, "Hey, are you two ladies from Scotland?" One of them chirped: "It's WALES you friggin' idiot!" So, I immediately apologized and said..., "Sorry, are you two whales...