Recent content by sn1230

  1. sn1230

    Close to Las Vegas

    im only about 10 min. from boulder city
  2. sn1230

    Close to Las Vegas

    the 69 dart frontends are my favorite well just 69 darts in general they always remined me of a baby roadrunner.
  3. sn1230

    Close to Las Vegas

    no its a 73 just swaped out the front end to a 72 a couple weeks ago
  4. sn1230

    Close to Las Vegas

    haha...that is true
  5. sn1230

    Close to Las Vegas

    i know this is an old post but im in vegas
  6. sn1230

    8.25 rearend with 245.1 ratio change out question

    awesome thank you guys for info nice being able to come on here and get exsperienced answers rather then just guessing what i need
  7. sn1230

    8.25 rearend with 245.1 ratio change out question

    thats what i was just looking at was the dr diff true lok one pretty sure thats the way im gonna go
  8. sn1230


    i had the same exsact set up on my dart with the same problem went back to all my stock cooling and works great agian
  9. sn1230

    8.25 rearend with 245.1 ratio change out question

    awesome thank you guys i was hoping i couls still use the housing i wasnt sure. i had already wanted to put a suregrip in it anyways. so on to look for a 92 dakota..haha
  10. sn1230

    8.25 rearend with 245.1 ratio change out question

    is it true that a 8.25 rearend with the 245.1 ratio carrier will only hold this gear setup? i wanted to put 355.1 in it but read that i would have to change the carrier as well.
  11. sn1230

    '70 Duster Revival: Drag Racing Heart | Pro Touring Soul

    thats how they show up on mine too i just clicked on them and they poped up...haha
  12. sn1230

    '70 Duster Revival: Drag Racing Heart | Pro Touring Soul

    what a beautiful duster!
  13. sn1230

    Cant keep the car cool HELP

    switched back to my old setup and cools great just drove from vegas to barstow and back and never went over 190° i have the drire t drive on it now but looking in to a clucth setup for it
  14. sn1230

    Cant keep the car cool HELP

    thank you downsr yeah i think im gonna switch back over and dicth the electric fans this weekend. thank you guys for the help
  15. sn1230

    Cant keep the car cool HELP

    ok awesome thank you thats exsaclty what i was gonna do was put my old direct drive flex fan back on with the stock shroud and use one of the spal electrics as a pusher just incase.