A-Body Round #2- My '76 Scamp restore...

Got a whole pile-o-parts to get the rear end rebuilt.


Got the rear end housing dropped off at Moser this morning to have the perches moved to the right spot for an A-body since this was a b-body housing... supposed to have it back by probably mid next week.

Also finally got a tire mounted on the trial wheel. It's still up on jackstands obviously so the stance isn't right. I was really starting to question myself as to whether I do like the chosen wheel or not... but after a bunch of looking at wheels on here I saw pics of mosleyme's Barracuda that has a pretty similar style wheel and decided that it looked great, so mine should too once it's on the ground again. Anyway, got the other 3 wheels shipped in this week. I'll probably go ahead and start pulling the 7.25 out this weekend.
