Earl's 1971 Dart

Hey Gang,
My daughter had her Baby this month, so I've been on grandpa duty, watching her dog who loves his baby sister, and helping out at her house....but got in the shop today and got some work done on the Dart !!! Finished side emblems, Scoop inserts, 340 script, New antennae base, Nut and new Mast, OUTSIDE IS DONE !!! Pulled Dash parts for refinishing, laid out the shifter parts, linkages etc etc. Put in Sun Visors,Had her on the lift today, will put her back on the other side so I can work better inside the car, and send seats to be recovered. Got New covers from Year One. will drop steering Column, & remove instrument cluster for refinishing. Got a new radio, and new 4x10 stereo speaker coming.._nc_ohc=WP3RM6JNVEAAX_2nVza&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.jpg_nc_ohc=PdbeFZv77bEAX_xum3j&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.jpg_nc_ohc=mJ06MEBBprYAX8iqcgm&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.jpg_nc_ohc=2MqPap1cUAgAX9sGeiV&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.jpg_nc_ohc=uCFftlQjEgoAX8tRVGt&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.jpg_nc_ohc=SD3ag7TJgUkAX8foXKd&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.jpg