Where to go to get door properly aligned...

Well... there's a right way and a ton of wrong ways to do something. Sounds like your car's worth it and its even better when you learn to do something yourself.

Your issue is not that complicated and is easily fixed following the right procedures.

There's a vast wealth of info on this site about everything A-Body and lots of members willing to help if you need it.
I appreciate your response, S-C. I wish I had the confidence to try this myself. I have tried fixing things in the past with some disappointing results. I would lose my s*** if I messed something up on this car.

I understand about it being even better when you can work on/fix things yourself. I play bass and I have learned to do a few things on my own (string changes, adjustments to saddles, trussrod adjustment, setting action and intonation, etc.) without having to take it to a luthier. However, there's a big difference between making a flub on an $800 bass as opposed to the worth of this car. I will do a little research first however, before I just "give up". Thanks again for the reply.