A833OD Reverse Gear interchange?

If the struts popped out once, they will do it again until you replace the brass. The brass is going down too far on the cones.
The one that popped out is not the one that needs replacing, rather, the adjacent one.

Brass is almost new, it was replaced maybe 8K miles ago? And they sit pretty high and grab well.

The spring on the other hand looks pretty deformed when compared to one out of the parts trans. I will re-assemble the slider with the bad spring and see what I see though.

When reusing old brass;
Put your highest sitting brass on the input gear as the input gear, from the factory sits really far forward.
I put the next best brass on Second, for two reasons; 1) cuz it wears out the earliest, due to it seeing the most action.. and 2) cuz the stinking 1-2 split is 54% so that brass is always having a hard time.
I put the most worn brass on overdrive, cuz it sees the least action.
For First gear, I choose whichever brass works best in the Downshift direction.
as to forks
If the forks have been brazed to replace lost material, make sure they are not too fat.
If the forks are bent, throw them away. They will overshift one way/undershift the other.
I use the later style cover which cannot overshift.
If you use the early style cover, make sure the inter-lock pin is good and long, to prevent overshift,

Good luck
