Oil additives


Newbomb Turk

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2023
Reaction score
In The Clouds

This is worth watching for all the guys who think adding some additives to your engine oil is a good thing.

He lays out the FACTS about why you should buy a better oil than add a bunch of junk too it.

This is worth watching for all the guys who think adding some additives to your engine oil is a good thing.

He lays out the FACTS about why you should buy a better oil than add a bunch of junk too it.

I've wondered about that but was afraid to ask
I've wondered about that but was afraid to ask

Some guys don’t care for LS jr. I know the guy knows oil and tribology. Somewhere I have copies of emails between us that covered everything from full groove main bearings to surface geometry, ring function and some other stuff.

He knows oil and lubrication.
Is he not making enough money at total seal
Some guys don’t care for LS jr. I know the guy knows oil and tribology. Somewhere I have copies of emails between us that covered everything from full groove main bearings to surface geometry, ring function and some other stuff.

He knows oil and lubrication.
What was his thought on full groove main bearings?
Is he not making enough money at total seal

I think he does but he was a tribologist first. I think that’s his favorite thing.

Plus he owns the company that does the oil testing.

I’m going to order several test kits up before my junker hits the pump so I can keep track of what’s going on and see how far the oil I use will go before it needs a change.
What was his thought on full groove main bearings?

We went there because he was wondering why I was even using them. It changed what I used for an oil ring.

You are putting at least double the oil on the cylinder walls because oil is going to the rods full time rather than just half the time.

IIRC I ended up with a 15 pound oil ring rather than a 12 pounder just to help get that extra oil off the cylinder walls.

And he suggested a Napier second ring which I wanted anyway because of what it does better than a conventional second ring.
Well, your guy completely (almost) blew by the FR3 by Hot Shots, he mentioned it and kinda bulged his eyes or something. My Chrysler 200 used oil from the time it was new. Probably had to add oil 4 or 5 times to a 5000 mi oil change . Fresh oil change, I added the FR3 when it got time for the first add. The next time I checked, it was half way down the add mark, and stayed there to the next oil change. Had that car for 8 years. Not saying that all additives work, but it would be impossible for that guy to un-ring the bell for me on FR3.
Well, your guy completely (almost) blew by the FR3 by Hot Shots, he mentioned it and kinda bulged his eyes or something. My Chrysler 200 used oil from the time it was new. Probably had to add oil 4 or 5 times to a 5000 mi oil change . Fresh oil change, I added the FR3 when it got time for the first add. The next time I checked, it was half way down the add mark, and stayed there to the next oil change. Had that car for 8 years. Not saying that all additives work, but it would be impossible for that guy to un-ring the bell for me on FR3.

I think you missed the point. Adding anything to an oil changes it and never for the better.

I’d say buy a better oil and see what happens.

Junk oil with an additive is just junk oil that costs a bit more.
We have run this in past with results

Tried 3 different synthetic oils. All I know is it seemed to cure my oil consumption problem. FR3 is not a viscosity changer like STP. It's actually thin, as far as flow.
That's all I have.
I watched it and tried to stay awake.
That guy is an oil nerd for sure.
Side note: he makes watching paint dry exciting.
Mobile One, Dodge dealerships synthetic, do not know brand and GM brand, Dextrose synthetic. Chrysler Tigershark engine had a piston ring issue, and their qualifications for excessive oil usage and mine was quite different. I really liked the car and fuel mileage, not the oil consumption, till I needed to get a pickup.
I stopped adding additives a long time ago.....
I figured the oil companies know how to....make oil.....& if an additive was needed....they would add it.
There are only a few things I will add to oil now, then most of the time change the oil 30 minutes later(Stuff that's an old trick). That video really shows the science and I now don't trust the oil additives more than ever. When I was younger we would have the BG guy come and restock the shelves with their snake oil oil additives, but the more we used that crap and the others too, the more I noticed they did not make things any better. It was all marketing BS that even fooled the repair shops into stocking it to sell it to their customers.
Companies, and auto stores sell the stuff, cause they make money selling it.
Lol so true.

Yeah, forget if the additive actually did something, or happened to work. Anyone here add modifier for your sure grip?
Love Lake's channel and his approach. I would agree with him that it's not a good idea to use additives with an engine that is in good shape.

But an old beater that smokes and / or uses oil? I'm trying every snake oil product I can find!
Do you mind posting which oils you tried??
I have a local friend who actually know the Lucas guy. I forget what he said his first name was. But he and a friend broached the oil business and they started finding out that all of the Lucas products were snake oil. All of them. That was surprising to me, because I've always been told and thought Lucas was one of the decent lines out there.
Just because something is on YouTube, that doesn't mean it is true.
I don't use oil additives, but I certainly would not let one internet video convince me that they were bad.
Just because something is on YouTube, that doesn't mean it is true.
I don't use oil additives, but I certainly would not let one internet video convince me that they were bad.
I cannot disagree. I've used the Lucas Hot Rod literally for YEARS and have had no issues. I've also used a lot of the Lucas products and have friends who run professional repair shops that use it too and they all agree the products do what they say.