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  1. AJ/FormS

    Need some direction with my Mom's 64 Dart

    Up here your $4000 is worth about $5300. I make about $25 per hour so that converts to about 212 manhours. Two hundred and twelve man hours. How long to RnR that slanty? Maybe 10 for a rookie. Ok so say it's winter and I up charge you $12 for the nice heated shop I got, that still comes to 143...
  2. AJ/FormS

    Need some direction with my Mom's 64 Dart

    Go visit another mechanic. Oil up the cylinders, let it set over night with the plugs out. Come back next day and crank it with the plugs out for 1 minute. Now it's ready for a compression test. $8000 for a slant build plus RnR is ridonculous. IMO.
  3. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    Thx TB. That's the problem with Christians; they all think that thy are right;and that is why there are over 42,000, yes over 42,000, different protestant denominations alone. They can't possibly all be right, and my opinion of course is that they are all wrong. I mean that's what we...
  4. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    You wanna hear it? All in favor say Aye! In for a penny in for a pound.....
  5. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    I could tell you what I think about the shape of the earth, but then you'd probably send some of those men in white coats after me, so mums the word.
  6. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    Cuddling is out; My wife used to take my hand and put it up near her face when we were a-spooned;you know where my arm was, right. Well my arm is too short these days, and I can't get close enough anymore. It's like there is a little kid between us.Ima thinking one of us should lose a bit of...
  7. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    TB; I get you man;and I still like you.It'll take more than a poke to hurt my feelings. To anyone reading this; But I could give 2 hoots for modern Science,falsely so called. Science cannot prove that the earth is anything but flat.Ball-earth is a religion, invented by pagans so they can have...
  8. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    who or what is MS of Canada? Naw , I'm just a guy. And I like to visit with all manner of persons, and if you don't want to talk Bible stuff, I'll try to sneak in as little as possible,lol.
  9. AJ/FormS

    rough times

    Well, I'd like to help you. But I gotta warn you;I'm a born-again,God fearing,Bible-thumping, homeward-bound, waiting for judgement day with all eagerness and anticipation,can't wait til my time is up here,demon-resisting, alien-scoffing,expecter-of-giants, and if you can believe it a...