80 dodge aspen



Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
its been a while since i have been on here (dad took away internet) but im at school and im bored in accounting class so i decided to do this i bought a 1980 dodge aspen for the motor tranny and rearend(318-4spd-8 3/4 w/ 3.55) but i decided to go ahed and keep it all together.i only paid 500 for it which i figured wasnt a bad deal because of the way the motor sounds. its go some after market parts im not all sure because i bought it like this but its got a real nice sized cam headers purple hornies and i was told had the innards built up some. its got some issues on the body but it isnt real bad. the hood was rotted out in the front in a small section and the floor boards are gone and it has some bubbles here and there but i fixed the hood already i fiberglassed the real bad spots and puttied the others.and im in the process of replacing the throw out bearing(im waiting on a new clutch fork and rod) but im 16 years old and my buddy is 17 and me and him are doing all the work our selves with a little help on the tranny from my good buddy dan (who i bought the car from ) but i figured this would be a good car to get ther experience on in stead of possibly screwin up my 70 duster or 73 challenger. if u guys can give me any little tricks on floor boards and bondo id really appreciate it . also do u think i got an ok deal on the car for only 500?
Yea, sounds like a good price for the car. Now what you have exactly remains a mystery since I can't see it. But all in all, a 318 4spd with 3.55 sounds like it can go well. Aspens are not my fav. looking car. But they can be done up nicely IMO. Have fun with it.
No get back to class work. He he he he.
Yeah, sounds cool I kinda like the disco era Mopars. One of my buddys older brothers had a R\T that was like a 79-80 it was one of the first cool cars I got to drive. Check out year one for floor boards or If you can get some gauge metal you can do the patching with that. To do a good job you have to cut the rust out you can't really just glass it over or bond it. If there are only pinholes however you can take a wire wheel on a grinder get it down to bare metal then use the reinforced fiberglass filler for a patch. It'll get you going for inspection and be good enough until you get more skills with bodywork.
500$ is a deal for any car that runs ans like you said if you fu^% it up it aint like you wrecked a Chally or somethin.
Welcome! :headbang: