What do you look for in a forklift?

I was at Clark when those tip over tests were done. We went to a "winged" seat that kept the operator in place, if they were wearing a seat belt. A seat belt alone has a tendency to whip the operator's head against the floor. We had a stunt man intentionally tip some over ("lateral overturn") with a helmet on.

Back to the LP tank, if I remember right (it was a very long time ago) forklift (and maybe other industrial tanks) are not like your barbeque grill tank. The latter feeds vapor, forklifts need liquid, which gets vaporized in the carb. So the two tanks have a different pickup location.
Chuter, Great information, I was not aware of the "head whipping " from the tests, makes sense. Yes, LPG tanks for forklifts are not configured the same as BBQ grills. Grill tanks are smaller and upright 'cause burners need vapor. FL carbs need liquid, they have a larger tank, laying on its side, pickup tube in tank on bottom (when properly mounted) to draw liquid. There's a pin on the tank cradle that fits into the tank collar to assure tank is orientated properly to use full fuel charge. Sometimes operators don't install the tank with the pin in the tank collar, or the pin is broken off, and they run out of fuel 'cause the tube starts transferring vapor, engine dies. Operator thinks he ran out, tank removed and operator feels fuel sloshing around in tank and scratches head thinking why did engine stall when I can tell it still has fuel? Answer: Tank is turned in cradle and pickup tube not on bottom.