Another 318 set up

I just looked up what gets a car moving and all of them said that torque is what gets the car moving. What do you think gets it moving?

It’s not what I think. It’s what I KNOW.

Horsepower and your gears is what moves the car.

Think it through. If you had a car with a real transmission (stick car) and you put it in 4th gear and see how quick it gets away from a stop light.

It won’t. That’s because no matter how much torque you build, the gears and horsepower moves the car.

Show me a single mathematical equation that uses torque to calculate ET and MPH. You can’t because horsepower is king. To dispute that is silly.

You see Dan, I not only did the reading plus the shop and track work to verify what the magazines back in the day. And they either were stupid or lying because most of the **** they wrote was wrong.

Want some examples?

Set your power valve opening at half idle vacuum. It was wrong the first time it was said. It’s still wrong today. It’s not even a good starting point.

How about the all in by 2500 or 3000 crowd. Or worse, the lock it out crowd.

I just did a BBC. I locked out the distributor so I could find the best curve.

So from locked out to the curve I came up with was 20 hp at peak power but it was close to that from 3400 to peak.

That’s almost a 20 hp average. Just getting the curve correct. But you will have guys defend locking them out or super fast curves like their lives depend on it. And yet it’s wrong.

Just because you read it doesn’t make it correct. You have to get off the couch and go test this ****.

Doing what you want to build torque is just wrong.

If you build a 318 and I build a 318 which one would make more power? Which one would drive better?

You need to find an engine builder who doesn’t agree with you and let him build it.

Torque doesn’t move anything. Choking the engine with a shitty carb that’s too small for a decent 170 inch /6 and using valves that don’t have enough area to feed a decent Briggs & Stratton won’t make more power or torque.