NHL 23-24

Got me a big plate of humble pie this morning. Jets played their best game of the series last night, but Colorado Avalanche move on to round 2 and Winnipeg heads for the golf course.
At least they set a new NHL record, first team to give up 5 goals a game in the first five games of the playoffs.

Seriously, they were tied for 4th overall, allowed the fewest goals against, had the most wins in regulation, and a 34 game streak of allowing 3 or fewer goals in a game during the 82 game regular season. Then comes the playoffs and they barely squeeze out one victory.

Time for some changes in the locker room.

Go Avs!!!!!!!!
The Jets were indeed a great regular season team. However, the playoffs are not the regular season and so many great regular season teams flame out in the playoffs. Some of it has to do intensity and while I didn’t watch much of the a Jets series, I suspect they didn’t change their game much for the playoffs and they took a lot of penalties. Harder hitting, less space with pretty plays not really being as successful in the playoffs. Most teams need to learn how to lose first before winning it all.

1983 Stanley Cup Finals - Wikipedia.