Music is a pretty big deal.

My current head unit is playing not so funny games.
One day I noticed a battery drain over the course of 2-3 days and found that the memory function of the unit was causing it.
The memory wire of the unit is supposed to be connected to full time 12v, but it was bleeding power over to the head unit amp causing the units amp to be powered all the time and drawing power.
Also this thing would randomly power up when it was humid out, and start playing on its own.
Without the memory wire connected I always had to reset things like Source , EQ, fade and balance every time I turned it on.

I have a new one on the way being delivered tomorrow.

Now the music part.
Sometimes I would be working on someone's desktop or laptop and notice they collected music like I did.
So for example, if I saw CCR albums I would add the albums they didn’t have and copy albums I didn’t have.
Doing this over the course of my 20 plus years of operating a computer service and repair business I collected quite the pile of music.

I have every album Led Zeppelin ever released, as well as 4 box sets of Crosby Stills Nash and Young, box sets of The Grateful Dead, every album release of the Beetles plus a bunch of never released studio recordings of the Beetles with Tony Sheridan or Elvis.
(Sweet Georgia Brown for example)
Lots of B52’s, Guns and Roses, Alice in Chains, Frank Zappa and the Mothers, Moody Blues, Iron Maiden, Leo Marachiolli, and even EDM and Reggae.
Black Sabbath, ICP, Shaggy, She Wants Revenge, Messer Chups and Queen, Bluegrass,
Probably 3-400 original 50’s and 60’s songs (example, I Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates)
Also lots of the original Woodstock songs.
Plus hundreds and hundreds more.
I like about everything but current country.

I mostly use Bluetooth with a music app from my phone in the car, and sometimes USB.
Rarely a CD and never the radio.
Been dealing with the old Pioneer unit for at least a year now.
It will be nice to have a stereo that works right again.
(Got another Pioneer)