What cam to use in a 318

have you priced machine work lately? and lead times??

i don't know where you are, but in my neck of the woods it's pricey and the lead time is tremendous.

anyway for the type of work you're describing, you'd be in aftermarket head territory-- or darn near.
No arguements there junkyard. Other things to consider are where are those heads produced and developed. I realise many companies are doing the design work in the US but having the castings done in China due to costs, and then doing machining in the US. Some saving but even CNC machining local is more expensive.
They can have the parts cast, machined and assembled in China at considerable saving to the designer, who pockets most of the savings.
Then there is the knockoff "stuff" of questionable quality. Some may be built well, but the design has been stollen.
I am trying to stay away from Chinesium and recycled Yak turds crap. China is an unfriendly aggressor state, so I prefer to not support their economy where possible. That has become difficult.
Look to Europe and their previous dependency on pootlerstan oil and gas. This enabled tsar bedpan to invade Ukraine. Consider the leadup to WW2 and Neville Chamberlain's appeasement to Hitler and his Nazis. IMHO it is better to back away from China now.
Then there are those people who race vintage and must use vintage castings. Another example would be people that want a Concours or Concours appearing vehicle. And then there are stuborn arses like me that want to use what I have and learn. Kind of my reduce, reuse and recycle ethic.
Not trying to convince anyone my way is better, just my preference. How others chose to spend their hard earned happy cabbage or do things is fine with me.
As to your mention of where I am located, central to a bit northern Alberta, Canada. I have to take parts 100 miles or a bit more for machining and leave them. Then drive back to pick them up, so 400 to 500 miles. Most parts we get all come from the US with currently an exchange rate of 1.4 and then most likely shipping. On top of that we have the left dishonourable prime peckerhead of Canada, daesh dustbin turdo. He and his guvment are spending money like rabid babboons, so raise taxes to get their greedy hands on more money. I firmly believe they skim a little graft off in the process. If parts are shipped by mail, Canada Customs and Border in collusion with Canada Post collect duty, which you must pay to pick up your shipment. If you refuse they send your order back. You can appeal or request to reduce the duty, but that takes months and you have paid the duty. For antique repair parts there is not supposed to be duty charged for US made parts. Thieving Feds n Heads!
So yes I am very familiar with machining and parts costs. I would have to check a performance parts supply store in Edmonton on the cost of Edelbrock or AFR heads, but $2,000 likely will not cover the cost. $3,000 is more likely, especially when I would have to drive 400 km or 250 miles return to pick them up. 87 gasoline is between $1.47 and $1.52 per liter. There are 3.785 liters per gallon US.