Exploding Torqueflight

Glad your injuries weren't any worse. I lost a ring and pinion last year and that transmission is still under the bench waiting to be looked at.
I also run a blanket on my race car. It's a pain when you are working on it but it will be worth it if the tranny ever fails.
Glad your ok. People will put a blow proof shield on a stick but when it comes to autos they seem to think its ok to run them without any protection, I never got that. High power motors and sticky tires something's gotta give, and when it does this is the kind of damage that happens. Like said prior in this thread hope this serves as lesson to others to use the proper safety equipment, and not just on the trans, check your car over make sure you have all the right safety stuff. Play safe and have fun.
Sorry man
By the way, not all shields work. You can pop the ears off the shield where it bolts to the trans, it then slides back,and becomes useless. I personally ran blankets on my 727's.
I also once heard of this happening on a trailer during a warm up in Seattle.
Whenever you blow a drive line/ ujoint etc., it can also roll the sprage, tranny needs to come out.
I personally run a JW case 'glide, and feel a bit safer, but I still cringe everytime I hit the pedal to 5500.
I also have to listen to all my Mopar purist hassel me.
Glad you are not worse off. We'll just start calling you Big Daddy!


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The rules are because it happens to certain transmissions and they are too lazy to write rules and inspect cars to determine who needs what. It's easier to "blanket" statement the rule even if it's not needed on some stuff.

A stock 904 front drum takes ~ 24,000+ RPM to reach critical mass. That's about 10K engine RPM in 2.45 low gear transmission.

I've never seen a 904 front drum explode in 40 years of being around this stuff. That said, it's not a bad thing to add protection, even if it's 'peace of mind' stuff.
I've started looking up Billet front drum and a bolt in Roller Sprag cause I was talking with a buddy of mine that use to run mopar and he showed me scars on his leg from one exploding on him

ben there , done that back in the day w/ the old hemi car, (read-manual shift) now u know why us old farts go to dana 60`s w/ big h.p..
just had my new 727 built for my stroker, went fully auto. this time w/ the bolt in sprag, this isn`t supposed to happen when full auto,is kept, something about bands being applied at the right time. put shifter in 2nd. start burnout, trans will immediately shift to second, then u can go on to high gear. of course there is no tranny brake either.
would like to hear others coments on this, -------bob:coffee2:
A few notes - first - heal up quick Jim - that is a very fortunate injury. Many have lost body parts - you "only" broke them.
Next - the "bolt in sprag" is not good enough. The issue is the number of rollers and the bolt in sprag is a factory part. The issue is not spinning in the case - which is what the bolts prevent. It's the rollers being overpowered and their supprts laying over rendering the sprag useless and starting the timer on the bomb. You need the Super Sprag which has a lot more rollers and can take a lot more abuse.
Next - the explosion energy comes from the factory powdered metal front drum. The way to take away that energy is run the billet drum. That will not reach the rpm it would take to explode.
Last - the CSR shield has a history of failing and allowing parts to exit "up and away". Do a search on torquefilte explosions and that sheild...
If you race hard, and if you do not buy the super sprag AND billet drum, then you should at least buy and wrestle with the blanket. It may not be life or death - but it WILL be serious pain and possibly permanent disability and big repairs on the vehicle.
Jim, you're a lucky guy, could've been much worse, hope you heal up OK.

I was at Union Grove, WI. in the early 70s and saw the Little Red Wagon lose a trans. He got it stood up right off the line, made it about 100 ft. and the trans exploded big-time. There were pieces big and small flying everywhere, some just missed photographers that were along the edge of the track, it's amazing that nobody got hurt.
Got me and the Dart back together with upgrades. Installed new 16 roller ultimate sprag, front billit drum and blanket. Me 20 screws and 2 plates. Went back to racing last weekend and man it felt great. Need to do more polishing on the tree.Foot is about 80% good. Still have my aches and swelling and need 2 different size shoes. But is there and I can walk. Thanks for info and support guys!!


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Glad you're on the mend mechanically, phyisically, and mentally. Keep polishing - it won't take long to get back in the swing of things.
Verry scarry picture. This is a reminder that I sometimes forget, the amount of mechanical violence that happens in a very short period of time. My blanket comes tomorrow!
And very glad to hear all the piggy’s stayed home!
Man I'm glad your back up and going. That's a pretty scary looking pic but again glad your back at it. Have fun and be safe.
Just got my blanket last week.. First thing on the winter "to do" list. Glad you're healing up.
...so is this n issue with only ma mopar trans or do the other makers have this problem ?


if my kid is going to do a donut, start off in 2nd ?
...so is this n issue with only ma mopar trans or do the other makers have this problem ?


if my kid is going to do a donut, start off in 2nd ?
I just reread this post. I don`t have room for even a blanket between the floor and the tranny on my 69 barracuda. barely got the turbo action cable in it, if it wasn`t such a high quality piece I`d be screwed on it.
I`m wondering if all 68 barracudas are like that. anyone care to comment or tell about their 67-8-9 ?--------------------------bob
...so is this n issue with only ma mopar trans or do the other makers have this problem ?


if my kid is going to do a donut, start off in 2nd ?

This is an issue with a 727 with a stock drum...and I have seen a Turbo 400 blow the drum through the roof of a car..
When you refer to any driveline failure, does this include throwing connecting rods or only failures aft of the transmission?

Buddy of mine Blew 2 connecting rods and is wondering if he needs to have the transmission checked.
I am assuming my 727 is stock with a sift kit. Should I be worrying about this or is it a drag car problem. He will be a light driver but i suspect he will want to see what it will do...
I just reread this post. I don`t have room for even a blanket between the floor and the tranny on my 69 barracuda. barely got the turbo action cable in it, if it wasn`t such a high quality piece I`d be screwed on it.
I`m wondering if all 68 barracudas are like that. anyone care to comment or tell about their 67-8-9 ?--------------------------bob

My 67 has room, but I had to pull the trans cross-member and lower it a little to get it in. It is snug, but the blanket will fit....then just put the trans back in place and re-install the cross-member.
the CSR supershield fits the tunnel like a glove....Got another one to install on a 904 later next week....gotta cut a few mounts off the trans for the shield to fit.