Engine dyno software. Anything good on the Internet?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 22, 2005
Reaction score
Any good engine dyno software to use on the Internet? Something that accepts head flow and cam information would be useful. I tried using the Comp Cams cam quest software but have issues with it using my Windows 7 software.

Maybe send a PM to member RustyRatRod...He has a dyno program...
Downloaded mine from " desktop dyno download for free " in search engine. www.Colorado4x4.org, is the website, "Shhhh...Don't tell anyone, Desktop Dyno for free. Hope this helps.
Nothing good for free that I have tried. I have a old Dyno 2000 program that works ok but won't work on Windows 7. tmm
Nothing good for free that I have tried. I have a old Dyno 2000 program that works ok but won't work on Windows 7. tmm

I love my genuine Dyno2000 but i have the same problem it just wont work cant even install it running windows 8 and 8.1 ,the compcrap program does not impress me the least.
Just run it in a VM running xp , that's what I do with old programs that don't run in 7 , just make sure you have enough ram .
I muck around with engine analyzer pro 3.9, I can't remember where I got it from but I think it was downloaded from a torrent site.
I muck around with engine analyzer pro 3.9, I can't remember where I got it from but I think it was downloaded from a torrent site.
bet you don't get the updates .They added quite a few new parts to the program list of parts
I wish there was one that works on a Mac, still haven't found anything yet.
Well if I can sneek this in everyone can have a copy of dyno 2003

To download u need to follow these instructions as its like walking through a Lion pit with a chicken tied around you neck in terms of trojans and annoying pop ups. Follow instructions you will be fine
First of all go to your desktop and right click an open space and select New > Folder then name that folder Dyno2003.

Right click the link below and select "open in new tab" so you can still read these instructions

http://www.4shared.com/zip/Z2PZf8-a/Des ... _2003.html

Then click the blue button that says "Download Now no virus detected", only this button can be clicked
Then there will be a timer with a 20 second countdown, wait for the timer to reach 0 seconds
Then click "download file now" and select "save as" and select to save to the folder "Dyno2003" you created on your desktop

Once its downloaded open the folder Dyno2003 you created
In there will be a zip folder called "Desktop dyno 2003".
Double click it and it will open.
In there is a folder called "crack" and a dyno 2003 application.
Double click the folder desktop dyno 2003 and let it install as it prompts you.
Once its installed it will go to a different location, to find it go to drive (or whatever is your main working hard drive) C:Dyno2003 then in that folder in therewill be an icon called dyno2003 which is an application about 1.4 mb in size. Clicking on this will open the program.
Once the program is open you will find its locked and you cant make adjustments.

Now to make it work go into the folder where the icon you click to start the program is. ie C:dyno2003/
Right click and delete this application icon that starts the program
Now open the folder on your desktop where you originally saved it, and open the folder called "crack" in there right click and copy the only item in there called Dyno2003 (which is an application)
Then go back to the exact folder where you deleted the application icon from before.
Now paste the icon you just copied from "Crack" in there.
Once its pasted u should be able to click on the icon in its new location and Desktop dyno 2003 will open.

Now you should have a full functioning Dyno 2003 with advanced activations and pro tools

Let me know if it doesnt work or if you have any troubles

P.S I never wrote this post it was done through a collaboration between my cat and my dog ;)
It's called stealing , hope there are no hidden backdoors built into that "cracked" program , take your chances .
Those programs have been uploaded to the net for ages, sure you can call it stealing if you like but your about 8 years too late and no one seems to worry about "stealing" when they bolt knock off parts to their cars. The internet was founded on stealing, it's the wrong place to be complaining about it.
Those programs have been uploaded to the net for ages, sure you can call it stealing if you like but your about 8 years too late and no one seems to worry about "stealing" when they bolt knock off parts to their cars. The internet was founded on stealing, it's the wrong place to be complaining about it.
Guess robbing banks and stealing purses off little old ladies is fine as well , been going on for ages .
Remind me to invite you over to my place , not .
Performance Trends makes some accurate software, but it is $$$ and takes some time to get used to.

The kid who introduced it to me used it to make a custom cam ground for his dad's 340 Duster and predicted the 1/4 mile time within .1 sec....

Stealing software is wrong! Just because you can do it does not make right.
So is it ok to steal your tools or your car?

I also am familiar with the software creator, pehaps a link to this will thread will help him.
bet you don't get the updates .They added quite a few new parts to the program list of parts

3.9 is the latest version and it was free so I'm not complaining. To my knowledge the only updates they have done are to include more preset parts to choose from, for example when choosing cylinder head specs, instead of putting in all of my own dimensions that i've measured from an actual part. I may be able to select that part from a list.

ie. selecting "hemi 6.4 apache cylinder head" will bring up it's corresponding port volume, length, cross sectional area, valve size, combustion chamber shape and overall flow numbers.

However most of these files included in their updates are estimates anyhow and not intended to be 100% accurate, if you want to make the most of this program, you need accurate data that is based on the very cylinder head you plan to use. The same goes for other parts.

On the occasion that I have a serious go at trying to calculate a combination's output it seems to be highly accurate. but it's a lot of work to obtain accurate date to enter into it.

Hence why I say "I muck around" with this program, because it is beyond the scope if my needs. I just like to make comparative calculations to see what effect it would hypothetically have on "changing x component on an engine".

It's pretty intensely detailed, if you want to get serious you can even weigh your valve train components and it will give you an indication as to if/when valve bounce will occur.

It can also give you base jetting estimates for holley 4bbl carburetors, but clearly states that they are an estimate and should not be relied upon in absense of a dyno.

You can compare ignition advance curves or any shape, or lock the curve out completely.

If i was responsible for building serious competitive motors I would gladly pay the price to buy a legitimate copy of this product.
Stealing software is wrong! Just because you can do it does not make right.
So is it ok to steal your tools or your car?

I also am familiar with the software creator, pehaps a link to this will thread will help him.
Thanks , these same people that have no trouble downloading "cracked " versions are the first to go ballistic if someone uses one of their pictures or other intellectual property of theirs .
Another thing is , it's not hard to embed some nasty code in that cracked program , you never know .
Stealing software is wrong! Just because you can do it does not make right.
So is it ok to steal your tools or your car?

I also am familiar with the software creator, pehaps a link to this will thread will help him.

Ever photocopied a page out of a friend's workshop manual?
Ever looked at pictures of a tool you can't afford and decided to produce your own?
Ever taped a movie onto VHS or a song from the radio?
Ever watched Pay per view at a friend's place for free?
Ever sold something for more than you bought it for and not paid tax on the profit?

There's stealing, which removes possession from a person who has paid for an item.
ie, stealing your tools or your car.

Then there's just taking advantage of beneficial things that are at your disposal without having a negative effect on others.

And let's be honest here, if digital property was sold at a pricepoint which reflected the fact that there are no overheads to maintain, running costs, distribution costs or any other normal expenditures associated with running a business then there would be a lot more people willing to pay for the legitimate copy.

For example if a DVD quality movie cost $3.50 from an online store for direct download. you'd get a lot fewer people pirating the $28 DVD someone bought at walmart.

So no, I'd never steal tools or a car, but IF I could download them I definitely would.
Ever photocopied a page out of a friend's workshop manual? legal as long as it is not mass produced and sold , for personal use
Ever looked at pictures of a tool you can't afford and decided to produce your own?= legal as long as you do not sell them for personal use
Ever taped a movie onto VHS or a song from the radio? = legal for personal use
Ever watched Pay per view at a friend's place for free? legal unless they charge admission fee
Ever sold something for more than you bought it for and not paid tax on the profit? nobody is perfect , besides in Canada we don't go to jail for cheating on our taxes , just a fine .