Anyone Else Like Beer Memorabilia?



Here we go again...
FABO Gold Member
Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo
I didn't know where to post this and this item is going into my garage when I get one, so I'm posting it here.

I was up drinking coffee early this morning and scanning Craigslist and not looking for anything in particular. I came upon an estate sale that had a picture of an old Hamm's beer sign for sale. My dad worked for Hamm's when I was young and I've always had a soft spot for the bear and other Hamm's items. The sale started two days ago and most of the good stuff is gone pretty quickly, but I thought 'what the hell?' and decided to drive the twenty minutes to go check it out. Here's the pic that they posted.


Once I got there I was pleasantly surprised to see the sign that said "All items 50% off" and that the Hamm's sign was still for sale! My ethusiasm faded quickly when I saw the tag that said "Lights up but doesn't scroll $600". Now I had already done my research and knew that these things are selling for $1000 on eBay but I wasn't ready to spend a bunch of money on something that needed work. The more I looked at it though, the more I realized that this thing is really "mint" for a 50 year old sign that was meant to hang in a smokey bar room somewhere. There are no chips, cracks or missing pieces. It lit up but didn't move, as described. So, remembering the 50% off, I bit the bullet and took a chance on it.


I carefully loaded it up into the back of my truck and rushed home, eager to tear into it. Like I said, I had already done some research and I knew that replacement motors are available as well as rollers for the scrolling scene. Four screws later and it was apart. I took the little motor out and tried to rock it back and forth a bit with the sign plugged in. After about thirty seconds I could feel the motor vibrating and trying to turn. I helped it a little and dripped a little 3 in 1 oil down the shaft and it freed up! I lightly dusted the insides with a microfibre cloth and put it back together. Here it is in all of it's glory!

This thing will proudly hang in my garage as a tribute to my dad and someday when I'm gone my kids can fight over it. I'm going to really enjoy this thing. It brings back so many memories.
I like beer! Oh and those old signs always caught my eye when I was young. Pretty good find especially now working.
Cool score. Grandfather brought me to the corner bar on many occasions. Those old Hamms displays were "neat" to watch way back. It was like color TV.

The only thing I have is a lighted twirling Mic clock. Not sure it even keeps good time anymore. The frickin' thing reeked of cigarette/cigar/bar stench when I got it............

My pride and joy here. My Dad bought this for me at an auction when I was a kid. The original company sold out in 1957. Just a part of my collection.

I remember seeing those signs as a kid. Bill sharps bbq in knob noster had one I think, but that place burned down years ago.

I'm not surprised that's all it took to run. Can't build them like that today. Nice score!
Very cool. My dad collected Falstaff memorbelia and had a couple scrolling signs. I know before he died he had sold off some of it but don’t remember what is still hanging in the house. Gives me a mission next time I am at my moms.
No full size, but several different ones. Local hooters use to do a bikini car wash. Ole Yeller got washed there several times.
I guess the statute of limitations has ran its course, so it is safe to say that back in the late 60's during my wild college freshman days, a buddy and I lifted the neon Miller Beer sign and the lighted Falstaff signs from the roof displays of a local tavern, managed to hang on to them for 50+ years, when I built the new garage in 2010, got em restored. with the neon and lights working and hung them in the garage.

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I got this Richard Perry - Bobby Issac Falstaff photo at a swap meet. It also hangs in the garage.
When I drink beer, I still drink Miller the Champagne of Bottle Beers even today, would drink FalStaff if it was still around.

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Your Barracuda taxidermy reminds me of one I almost bought last summer for $25. I thought someone here would buy it but I passed on it. lol
I was heavy into trays and cans in my 20's, prob still have 100 trays and a few hundred cans in the attic, some cans go for serious money now.
Your Barracuda taxidermy reminds me of one I almost bought last summer for $25. I thought someone here would buy it but I passed on it. lol

Yep, found the mounted fish at a garage sale, figured I had a wheeled Barracuda parked on the garage floor,
I should hang a finned one on the wall.
my big pocket watch... it lights, it rotates, it tells you what time it is!
I don't like beer stuff. I like beer.
I like beer AND beer stuff. My grandfather used to keep a case of Miller High Life quartz on the back porch and bring in one at a time to the refrigerator. He'd pour himself a mug and go sit in his easy chair with his Prince Edward cigar. That's about all it took to make him a content uphosterer. Of course, I love Miller High Life. Every time I drink one I think of him. I loved my Paw Paw! These are both garage sale purchases.
I like Miller High Life, too. It was Daddy's favorite. It's one of the very few lighter beers I can stand.