Toolman Mike is old today!



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
Oh, he was old yesterday too, just a little bit wiser today! Happy birthday Mike, and happy Father’s Day too!
Yur not old 'til you quit plucking your nose hairs on account of you can't see 'em any more.
Yur not old 'til;
your earlobes start flappin' in the breeze,or
your cheeks don't stop moving when yur head does,or
the rainwater starts drippin' off your brow-ridges instead of running in your eyes, or
yur knees start talking back to you when you get up in the morning.
Yur not old 'til
you can't remember the last time you showered, or
the last time you had sex,or
'til your pee starts running different in the morning from in the middle of the afternoon.
Yur not old 'til
yur grandkids are teenagers and stop comin' around when their folks do, or
yur waistline starts shrinking again, but yur hips barely make it between the doorposts, so it's a wash and yur still wearing 38s or 40s.... or more.

Lord help you if you start burying your kids......
Happy Birthday

  • download.jpeg
  • “Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday Mike !!!”
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