


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
Owego, NY
Just thought I'd share one of those stories that you just can't make up.

Autozone in my area is hiring, I thought I'd get a part time job, pick up some pocket money, have a reason to get out of the house; retirement is boring.
Went thru the application process twice; got the automated response " Thanks for applying to Autozone bla, bla, bla". Then I get an e-mail that they (Autozone) are having open interviews at a store location near me, please stop in. I go to the interview, it was positive, another e-mail, they want to hire me, and they send me 8 more e-mails with information packets about back ground information, emergency contact, corporate culture, career , history, bla, bla,bla. I read this stuff over, fill in the required information; and then I wait. A week goes buy, I wondering what is going on, no contact from them; so in one e-mail, they listed a person ( Joseph Bartol****) to contact if I have questions, I sent him an e-mail asking about start date and time. This was 2 weeks ago, I still have not heard from him. I go into my local store where I wanted to work, ask the manager what's the story; turns out he is retiring, someone else is taking over the store, and it amounts to something like a Chess game of people moving to different stores/positions; they still could not give me a start date Finally last Thursday I got a start date which is/was TODAY, 4/26/2022,
I arrived at the store this morning expecting to go to work and do more "on boarding", I when I got there, I was told I'd been terminated, YESTERDAY, 4/25/2022 because some regional manager could not reach me YESTERDAY, allegedly she called me 3 times to the contact phone number I had provided in my application, they also have my e-mail; though IF she truly called me she did not leave a message on my answering machine; I was home all day yesterday and saw no messages on my machine, no e-mail messages. I've never heard of anyone being terminated before they actually start work

They did say I could re-apply for the job if I wanted; I'm kinda like, why should I. The whole process has been a huge foot dragging event on their part with very poor communication.

Just thought I'd share this with everyone.
a woman in a leadership position, there is your problem right there

Sometimes the learning point is- if that's the way you operate, I will not work for your organization.
That process 100% explains why every person working my local AZ is under 22 and knows as much about cars as I do about online celebrities. They're also all so terribly introverted it makes interaction painful.

On the upside, at least they don't have that "I know it all and am a tuning god" complex that they all had 10 years ago - while driving a smoking, fart-can equipped POS that they thought was the pinnacle of racing development.

If I was wanting to work a parts counter again, I'd shoot for the commercial sales slot or look for a NAPA or locally owned auto store. There's a few in my neck of the woods, and that's where all the experienced folks without the superiority complex work. Plus they carry all the stuff a guy with a classic, a tractor, or 1/2 a brain would need to do any regular maintenance on their rigs without relying on 2nd day shipping or shitty drop-shipped electronics that are DOA. Plus they never call my Dart a Nova, or ask if it has a Hemi.
Nothing age or female about it, it's how corporations work, which yes, is very F'd up.

I'd move on, way to many jobs out there. Here they are so desperate companies are advertising same day pay and signing bonuses with no experience.
My son was looking for work between school. Home depot and Tractor Supply were both advertising all over the place. He tried to apply at the stores, they told him had to apply online. Filled out all kinds of BS on both their websites. Never got a single response. I was in both stores and talked to a number of dept managers and they all said "can't get anyone to even apply". It is all corporate stupidity.
Nothing age or female about it, it's how corporations work, which yes, is very F'd up.

I'd move on, way to many jobs out there. Here they are so desperate companies are advertising same day pay and signing bonuses with no experience.
I'd have to disagree. O'Reilly backed me into a corner and basically made me leave. Then, the next oldest, and next, until all they have there now are 20 somethings that know nothing. The store manager is not quite my age and thinks the hot air pipe coming off the exhaust manifold going to the air cleaner is a turbo. That's no exaggeration. They're also doing the same to all the rest of the stores in the district.
"Here they are so desperate companies are advertising same day pay and signing bonuses with no experience."


"No experience" is not a plus for a consumer, that's the problem and that Regional Manager probably falls right into that category..
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How in the hell could they give you a start date if you hadn't been hired??????????????????? I would be raising HELL!!!!!!
i worked at az on nites and weekends besides my regular ft job as "A MECHANIC." i am lifetime friends with the store manager back to auto shack days. i went to the alton ill store with him from the jerseyville ill store. the jerseyville store tanked so he went back there. the new alton store mgr told myself and 3 other guys that he was changing our schedule around. i was going to have to work a few weekdays, the guy going to school was going to have to work on school days, commercial mgr and asst were going to have to work split shift. we all said we could not/would not. we all turned in our 2 week notice(then you could quit on friday and have a job on monday). the new mgr did not notify az corp of our leaving. he turned us in as no call/no show. we all were put on the never hire again list. we found out about it about 5 yrs later, got a lawyer and set down with az brass and it got straightened out. now there is a rule that you have a 3 part step when you voluntarily leave az in our area. i have worked at az, aap and napa. all were good times when the had the right people in place. get some of these sdf's and RUN FOREST RUN.
I have worked since I was 18 and while going to school.

I called a company looking for an assembly tech for water truck bodies.

The first thing the guy on the phone said was " if you can't make it to work every day don't bother applying"

He did not even bother to ask anything about me. This was 10 years ago.

He missed a golden opportunity to have a drug free, alcohol free, non millennial thinking, tech who stays on jobs for 10 plus years minimum.
How in the hell could they give you a start date if you hadn't been hired??????????????????? I would be raising HELL!!!!!![/QUOT

Last Thursday they finally gave me a start date and time which is/was today, 9:00AM; I was there about 8:45AM......Could I raise hell?? I could try, though it begs the question as why should I.....if this is the way they treat people for real, yet promote this manufactured image of how great they are; how caring they are to work for; their philanthropy, I can turn my back on them, walk away and tell people of my experience.

At best I could hit them with wrongful termination.........then it's my word against theirs.
An accurately worded email to the head of HR and CC your state labor board.

The guy I e-mailed early on, asking for start date and time, whom never responded to me, is the regional HR.......been there, done that
My son was looking for work between school. Home depot and Tractor Supply were both advertising all over the place. He tried to apply at the stores, they told him had to apply online. Filled out all kinds of BS on both their websites. Never got a single response. I was in both stores and talked to a number of dept managers and they all said "can't get anyone to even apply". It is all corporate stupidity.
HP and TS are two of the most dip chit places I know of. HP is just a low level WalMart and TS is the joke of the country/ag world, a socker mom store. But I am a synical old country type fart. Pay me no mind.
And I am so darn glad I don't drive to some chit job to work for some *** hole chit head idiot and get some pissy pay check from some company I have NO respect for in the first place!
HP and TS are two of the most dip chit places I know of. HP is just a low level WalMart and TS is the joke of the country/ag world, a socker mom store. But I am a synical old country type fart. Pay me no mind.
And I am so darn glad I don't drive to some chit job to work for some *** hole chit head idiot and get some pissy pay check from some company I have NO respect for in the first place!
You need to learn how to say what you really mean/// Don't pussy foot around ....just tell it like it is...........LOL:poke::rofl::rofl:
Our local Zone must have a higher employee turn around than most micky dees.
Of course you always see new quota hires that seem to disappear within a month.
Sad really, you get some good helpful ones and before you know it they`re gone:(
Our local Zone must have a higher employee turn around than most micky dees.
Of course you always see new quota hires that seem to disappear within a month.
Sad really, you get some good helpful ones and before you know it they`re gone:(
I know that every time I go there I have to re-educate a new employee about auto parts!!! Seems like just when I get one new, young employee a little smarter he gone!!