Recent content by 69crustydart

  1. 6

    So my 340 turned out to be.......

    Really? Maybe the op should have verified what was claimed before purchasing the car.....
  2. 6

    2000th Install!!

    hows your back?
  3. 6

    Weird thought it would bring people together

    some pretty narrow minded folks frequent this site
  4. 6

    no bacon

    you did not get that from the above link....
  5. 6

    no bacon

    from these guys
  6. 6

    After 3 Years My wife is finally back to work!!!!!

    outstanding, sure she will miss the little guy
  7. 6

    trunk lock punched out

    hope nobody ever does.....
  8. 6

    trunk lock punched out

    pretty sad when you need to explain was meant as a frigging joke.....
  9. 6

    trunk lock punched out

    sawzall, plasma cutter, pry bar............take your pick
  10. 6

    Cracked headers

    get an uncracked set and run them back to back and let us know.....
  11. 6

    Which older, basic mini-van is best?

    if you do look at a ford, stay away from the a4ld trans, from the factory they are pretty lame.....
  12. 6

    Hoosier vs Goodyear

    what are you running them on?
  13. 6

    Does ANYBODY make decent headers?

    make TTI'S look like scrap.......and you know they will fit, no tweaking, hammering or f&*king with them....
  14. 6

    Dyno numbers are in!

    got a cage?
  15. 6

    WoooHooo cops did their job!

    good news