Recent content by FomocoReformed

  1. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    It's hitting the nut. I don't know whether or not these are factory bolts, they're just what came with the parts when I bought them.
  2. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    New issue to resolve, when I was assembling the hubs today we noticed that on both sides the rotor is contacting the lower ball joint bolts. I'm wondering if maybe they are backwards. Unfortunately if they are and I have to flip them around I will be SOL because flipping those bolts causes them...
  3. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Just got back from my AT on friday, got a little time to finish up the axle over the weekend. Finally got the remainder of the scale off, I discovered that beating the housing directly with the mallet was very effective at cracking through the scale, then cleaned it up with a masonry chisel...
  4. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Ha ha, yeah that truck is a piece of work, we're going to have it for a while. Found out today the driver has been going so long on the wobbly kingpins that the both spindles are trashed. It's got a busted air line, leaking differential, leaking axle seal, all the shoes and drums were trash, the...
  5. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Yep, I just started last week as a full time diesel mechanic. Funny story about that, it's actually a place I used to work security at making garbage, one of the terminal managers knew I had been a mechanic in the Army and offered me a job in the shop. It's been great so far and I work with a...
  6. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Well the new job certainly has it's perks, mainly being able to bring in my own stuff when I'm off the clock to work on. Brought the axle in today with me and changed out the pinion bearings after I was done for the day. Those bearings were TOASTED! Glad I'm changing them, both axles had pitted...
  7. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Yeah I have no idea what I'm going to use them for since I don't work on anything with safety wire but, well I have them now.
  8. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Alright well I'll be swapping everything, got my bearing set and whatnot in today. Funny, speaking of wasted military tools. I had to go in to my unit for the day today to make up for a training day I took off. Spent most of the morning running around with a skid loader moving scrap wood...
  9. FomocoReformed

    Not so perfect engine for the Dart

    I think just about everyone on this site has had their project "snowball" it doesn't take much to get started but oh man the more parts you find the more parts you want. My swinger started out as a stock /6 rebuild and body work, and now I have coil spring suspension and a big block. haha...
  10. FomocoReformed

    the 12 month mark

    Oh man that duster came out pretty! Great work I'm really diggin the paint.
  11. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Ha, maybe there's just more trickery going on on the army side. Last fiscal year our motor sergeant ordered us to take the 5 yard loader and accidentally destroy an entire pallet of alternators behind the motor pool. That way we could retain the same budget for the next year by ordering more so...
  12. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    That's not surprising, if there's one thing I've noticed in the military that seems to be universal it's that we like to hang on to things long past their intended service life. Usually by changing some insignificant system and then calling it a new model. Like how we have a craptillion...
  13. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Well since I moved most of my tools into the shop I'm a little bit short handed here at home, I'll have to replenish my stock. Can't do much with the axle without my sockets and wrenches so I went at the leaf springs, a long overdue project of getting the old metal outer rings out from the old...
  14. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Hey it's keeping me happy and at least I can't feel the irritation so no complaints! I have a cousin that just enlisted 11B in the guard, tried to talk him out of being a bang bang but the recruiters were more convincing I guess. He hasn't left for basic yet, OSUT he's gonna have lot's of fun...
  15. FomocoReformed

    1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

    Haha, thanks it still stings a bit but it's a lot better today and less irritated. I'm a 91B wheeled vehicle mechanic in the Reserves, I operate a 20 ton oshkosh 8x8 wrecker. I literally slept all day yesterday, woke up for a bout 4 hours then fell back asleep for the rest of the night.