start new job monday.

well after much hunting i start a new job monday. small 3bay shop father and son place. after the 12 years i spent at the tire shop i hope i can get back on trac with the scanner stuff. they will pay for my ase recerts. and seem to be nice guys. after 12 years of hereing we payyou well. it will be nice to work for a differant set up. as the tire shop was comm. only. 9 hours days no lunch break and alway be put down for spelling and stuff like that. they wore my feet friend who i went in with was useing me to get him ahead and kept telling me to look for some where cheap to rent cause he didnot want to pay me more, telling me that my wife needs to go get a job. i,ve got 5 kids so she has a job at home.not mad at him but i hate when other people think they know whats best for me and my famly i tryed for 7 months now and running out of money as i was useing my savings to live on.he had a friend call tuesday abount working for him so i don,t feel like i,m letting him down but i don,t think the guy will work for 300.00 a week 6 days. well i will have to by some new shoes to help me stay on my feet. any rec. on good shoes to help a old guy keep