I'm Outta Here.....

...... for a little while anyways.

I'm in the process of moving to a larger apartment and I'll be switching my ISP and e-mail addy. I think my current ISP gets cut off tomorow, so I'll be without the internet for a week or two. I'll be packing for a few days and then I'll have a week to get all my crap moved.

Ya gonna miss me????

I didn't think so. :thebirdm:

I'll be back as soon as I get hooked back up. Now everyone behave while I'm gone! :-D

Wow ,I hope I am not to late to say be careful on the move and hurry back man :happy10: You know darn good and well I am going to miss you brother, so please get back as soon as you can :clock: even if you have to use the local library to stay in touch :happy10:
I will be holding the fort down for you and remembering you every time I have a cold one and enjoying some music 8)8)8)

Set your self up in your new place and get back here 8)
and no dilly dollie'en around about it Wylde1 :happy10:
Your Arkansas brother and Treva, Creed and mike Jr. and the ZWR band wish you a safe return :rock::rock::rock: