Magnum 318 carb conversion

The Magnum cam does not have the "snout" to run the mechanical fuel pump eccentric. However, Hughes engines does sell a cam snout so you can run it if you like.

Another option would be to change the cam itself to a hydraulic roller grind that has the snout. This is what I did with my magnum swap. I didn't want an electric pump. This is a good idea either way as the stock 5.2 cam is not a performance grind by any stretch.

You will need a conventional small block dizzy, points or electronic, depending on what's in your car.

I don't know for sure if the 318 pan will work on the 5.2. I do know for sure that a 360 pan works on the 5.9.

If you are running hooker headers you will most likely have to grind down the drivers side truck engine mount to make it work.

Check the heads for cracks!

Good luck with the swap.
