Zombie Dart! '72 Dodge Dart

for one, the bezels don't hold the headlights in.

you have your headlight buckets that mount to the front of the car itself and there should be a spring on each bucket and also 2 plastic studs in each bucket that screws go in.

then you need (of course your headlights) and the little "pie tins" that mount to the back side of the head lights and also the chrome headlight rings.

then you just hook the little spring into the eyelet on the "pie tin" and then run your two screws through the tin into the plastic mounting studs and your headlights will be held in place. (you also do your headlight adjustment by these two screws (the spring acts as a shock absorber....not a good idea to solid mount glass so they came up with that idea.

as for the grille.....I am not positive on this since I am not a dart/demon owner but I am pretty sure the 70-71 and 72 style grilles all fit the same ....fender and extensions all the same,hoods the same,core support I think is the same....the only thing that may be slightly different is some minor differences in mounting locations for the bolts but that can be easily remedied if that is the case.

I MIGHT have an extra set of headlight rings laying around if you need them.