What If Chrysler Goes Bankrupt???

I hate to be a downer on this discussion board but have any of you been thinking about the "what if's" that might happen if Chrysler goes out of business??? The thought upsets me a great deal for a number of reasons:

1. Chrysler/Mopar/Direct Connection were just starting to build replacement parts for some of their old muscle cars - that will be gone.
2. Forget about crate engines!!! I don't think a private company could afford the tooling costs of opening up an engine plant.
3. How about a $100k for a junk yard mopar??? could happen ... if Chrysler goes the way of the dodo bird, how much do you think the idiots at Barret-Jackson will begin to pay for Road Runners???
4. And what about parts swap meets?? you'll have to have a Brinks Guard standing over your wooden boxes of old parts.
5. And all the old cars that you and I still love to take out on a sunny saturday and flog for a couple of hours - when the prices hit 6 figures for anything mopar that runs... none of us will be able to drive or enjoy them any longer....

I hope I'm wrong... but the rumors about the germans selling Chrysler and GM thinking of buying their 75 year rival have to be taken seriously. I think now is the time to start gathering up as many unusual old parts as you can get your hands on...

i'd love to hear what you guys think...

jim coster, pittsburgh ... soon to take possession of an old barracuda..