What If Chrysler Goes Bankrupt???

GT, but for what your offering could be valid.. theres no just, the automotive industry in its whole is only a fraction of other things that we also import..

where do you plan to get your own oil? from under the white house where bush is hording it?
what about designer wear? Lumber? Did you ever take into consideration that most kids toys come from abroad.. the controller to your television is more then likely made in tiawan... most of the things we use nowwa days comes from abroad because they can make it in mass production and for cheap where as here in america we cant and we buy the overseas crap. Theres a numourous amount of things that would also need to change it, and it just wouldnt.. and personally.. i like my sechzwan chicken chow mein.. but i see your point and i sorta agree, but we both know it aint happenin!