What If Chrysler Goes Bankrupt???

If there was to be a foreign company to buy Chrysler I would love for it to be Hyundai, I'd rather see them buy it then Ford or GM even. They make great vehicles and also own KIA, also the "World" engine that Chrysler touts is almost completely made by Hyundai.

The real thing killing the US automakers is Unions, and nothing else. Most all foreign automakers have factories in America, and their employees end up getting paid more than their counterparts working in Union shops, because they have no Union dues. Just think a lot of Chrysler stuff is made in Mexico, that is because of course it is cheaper for them to make cars that way. Why should they have to pay a bunch of Union $30/hr to watch the $12/hr temps do all the work, I have a friend that works for Ford.

For instance I just bought a brand new Hyundai Accent fully loaded power everything, except manual tranny, sunroof, and I mean everything. It cost me around the same as a base model Caliber, for instance. Best bang for the buck, I am all about buying American but in a lot of cases it makes more sense to buy foreign. BTW, I bought that car right on a Chrysler/Hyundai car lot.