The POS 408 progress pics....

Ok, so anyway, after talking to people using the a-1000 pump and much mention of fuel being overheated from excessive circulation, and also wanting a 300 plus dollar pump to last and not draw excessive amps, I decided on this....

To those not familiar with what this does, it takes what is an overpowered pump and controls it's speed with a pulsed 12 volt signal. It will run slow at idle when I dont want it drawing amps and when I dont need much fuel, and will ramp up when I do need it and when the amp draw wont be seen. It reads the tach signal and works off that.
There are cheaper ways of doing it. Much cheaper. But I dont think the fuel system is a place to go cheap.
This also eliminates the need for a pump relay.

I just saw it the smart thing to do since most of the failures with these pumps are from them running at full speed all the time and overheating. between the pump being submerged in the cell and the controller, I ought to be golden now. Peace of mind. I got it for 175 new when they go for well over 300 bucks.

I am waiting on an aluminum driveshaft, a 727 mout made for my truck to replace the 4 speed OD, my dynamic 10 inch 3800 stall, and I also bought a champion radiator and spal fan to keep it coolio. More pics to come as more arrives....