A-Body Fuel Tank Pad

Guys! I had someone remove & replace the tank...just got the car back today, after 2 weeks! All I smell is gas. I guess that's normal??? Don't see any leaks. As far as the ground...I will get under there sometime soon. As far as the A/C...screw it! They weren't able to do the job...first it was the bracket, then the pulley(s), then the fan...then change out to electric fan...then the radiator wouldn't fit. I'm so FRUSTRATED! Did I mention that one of the guys is an A**! I called to ask him a couple of questions about the rubber seals for the gas tank/filler and he told me all was fine, so I ask about the A/C and he said..."Well if I didn't have to answer all your questions, I might could finish the job!" I thinkin' here...I was his customer and a very nice one, I was never out of the way at all. Before I left I checked the trunk for my Lancer Service Manual because I didn't see it in the seat and he yelled " Yeah...I put all your parts in the trunk, they're all there!" But now i'm not being nice...he can go suck a big one! I'll just take a break from it until my surgery is done. Too much stress for me right now. I just really wanted to have the A/C for my follow up visit and other trips. Whatever!!!