help? clutch wont disengage

You're correct, it's not rocket science but it can be a pain. Try to get a "helper". You need to be under the car to watch the linkage and throw out bearing and pressure plate while you're helper pushes the clutch pedal. There is a finite number of parts that can be causing the binding that your experiencing. Remove the clutch rod and verify that the linage is operating smoothly and correctly. Move the clutch fork and throwout bearing back and forth to ensure it's not binding. Re-install the clutch rod, if binding occurs then the problem is either (1) flexing of the linkage under the stress or (2) the pessure plate is FUBAR or (3) you installed the clutch disc backwards. See below "Chevy" link describing what happens when you install the clutch backwards:

Hopefully you didn't make a Chevy bonehead mistake. O:)