May Auto Enthusiast Women of Mopar

... don't buy the April 2011 issue of Auto Enthusiast.

I just drove 26 miles to my nearest CVS Pharmacy and was delighted to see Auto Enthusiast on the magazine aisle even out here in the boonies. Paging quickly to 116, it's an ad. ??? Going back to the title page, I see fellow FABO member Carrie Wilson's 5-page article on her sweet yellow Duster.

Apparently I'm in the MAY 2011 issue???

DJV, what's up? Can you please call me, or at least tell me about what day your magazines hit the shelf on a given month? I can't afford to take time away from my shop to drive to Dresden every few days to check and their employees had "never heard of it" when I called in advance to ask if they carried it.

Talk about a cruel April Fool's joke.