May Auto Enthusiast Women of Mopar

CONGRATS to YOU Leanna...both you and the car LOOK AWESOME!!! That being said....
I am a lil past disappointed that they didn't have more pictures of you and the car!! Looks like they "Cheesed out" and just used the pics from FABO...I thought these guys had a budget and a National following?
ALSO...WHERE IS THE MENTION OF YOUR COMPANY? You are FAR MORE than JUST a MOPAR CHICK that flashes leg STANDING NEXT TO THEM..... YOU MAKE OTHER MOPARS LOOK GOOD!!!! that kicks it up a notch or three..... YOU dont just stand NEXT Mopars or JUST OWN ONE cuz you bought it done!!! YOU WORK ON THEM....LOTS OF THEM!!!! AND THAT MAKES YOU WAY DIFFERENT!!! and a cut above!!!!

SORRY TO RANT but it kinda pisses me off when people /articles MISS COMPLETELY that you are more than just a pretty face ( with great legs & stuff & stuff) YOU ACTUALLY do the work on the car......WHERE WAS that lil factoid???..... you also do work on OTHER MOPARS that have won prizes... OOPS another significant FACT totally missed!! OH and you just happen to own a business that does some of the finest and most difficult powder coating available ANYWHERE!! WHOOPSIE Mr. Magazine DOODE you missed another one!! Glad you aint no brain surgeon in mY TOWN!! MAYBE you should watch a few episodes from the OLD DRAGNET series...."JUST THE FACTS MA'AM, JUST THE FACTS!!!!!" and you might get a clue!! You freekin MISSED 80% of the significant stuff and just focused on the pretty face ( and great legs & stuff & stuff & stuff) which aint BAD as far as focus points go .....just crummy journalism for those of us that LOOK to mags like yours to find people like Leanna and WHAT SHE CAN DO!!!!
Mr. Magazine doode... ya only got PART of it right and ya missed so much and ya caused your readers to miss so much......THAT WAS LAME!!! YOU NEED TO DO ANOTHER ARTICLE THAT DIRECTS FOCUS TO THE WOMEN THAT WORK ON THEIR OWN CARS AND WORK ON OTHER PEOPLES CARS AND HAVE A BUSINESS THAT CONTRIBUTES TO THE RESTORATION INITIATIVES..... THEN you might gain some journalistic integrity among your readers ( and those of us that BUY your rag)