May Auto Enthusiast Women of Mopar

66 - maybe I wont get any more FABO members in print since I you think I dont have a clue what I'm doing.

I do this for fun and I also do it to get people who deserve the exposure. Your welcome to apply for the job if you think you can do better.

I had no idea you were even involved.....I was directing my abrasiveness at the Author/Editor of the article/mag.... OR whomever missed/ignored or removed the pertinence of the CudaChick PAST the legs & heals. I don't think THEY know what they are doing..... I have no idea WHAT you did or what your involvement was or who you even are? or why you are attempting leveling sarcasm flames at me? I am entitled to express an opinion and I think the article missed more than a few KEY attributes! Were you the author?\editor? IF not, then NONE of my initial rant even involves YOU!

I am not certain what you do for fun or how you get people exposure in a magazine? Are you the owner of this mag? or friends with the owner? APPLY for WHAT JOB? Writing articles for a magazine? or connecting the owners of decent cars with your friends at that magazine for purposes of publication? I have no idea how you are involved so why would I think I could do better when I have no idea what you do/did?

I can certainly say that I am more than capable of collecting facts and ensuring that they are presented appropriately without arbitrary editorial exclusion. I can also say that I recognize a vast difference between someone that likes to POSE next to a vehicle that someone else built and a "BUILDER" of vehicles.
I feel that difference to be significant and noteworthy.

SO weather or not you continue to do whatever it is that you do for FABO members "to get them in print" is solely YOUR decision and not something I have any control or influence over....DO what YOU FEEL IS RIGHT, don't try to hang that guilt nonsense on me, that is all about you and what YOU DO....YOU are the king of your world, do with it as you see fit!!

I would mildly suggest, however, that if you select to continue to promote and get folks "in print" that you at least ensure that those that DO the "print" are accurate and whole to the accomplishments of the subject and that the subject matter is not edited down to little more than a leg shot, completely ignoring the pertinent facts and accomplishments surrounding the subject.

Again...just my opinion, sorry you took it so personal