Why a Reverse Valve Body?

No, the reverse manual valve body uses the over runnung clutch for 1st.

And don't get me started on the exploding TorqueFlights. If you treat your trans right the chances of that happening are pretty slim but you should run a shield anyway. Never do a burnout in 1st gear, always start off in second and if you lose a rear end or driveshaft while in first always take the trans out and inspect/replace the over running clutch components. I prefer just to replace the inner race, springs and rollers.

I was told to never start out in 2nd gear. I can't remember why, but I do remember the trans has to start turning before it hits 2nd otherwise there could be catastrophic failure. Maybe it's the rule for just my VB but I was told to start in 1 then shift to 2nd then come out of the burnout.

Rick Allison built my valve body. The guy knows his stuff...