My Bad luck has gotten worse.

That sucks, man. When I was in the 6th grade my back started hurting one day out of the blue. Come to find out I had a cracked vertabre in my lower back. About 10 years ago I landed on my but sleadding down a hill and landing on a frozen pond, it popped my legs went numb for a lil'bit and of course being 20 something, ten foot tall and bullet prof I didn't go to the Dr.. Now I lift batteries every day and at 34 I have a hard time getting out of bed most days. Hang in there man, I hope things get better for you.

That has been happening to me lately, having a hard time getting out of bed. When up I could move around ok.

Sorry to hear your down..the older we get the more banged up we get from something we've done over and over in the past without getting hurt. I just went through two weeks of hell because of a syst on my shoulder I let go a little too long. After the initial visit to open it up I had to go daily to have it drained and flushed.
Best of luck to you..

That is so true as we get older. Glad the cyst is all healed