18 years married....

25.5 years of marriage length kiddo. not age, LOL! Like my wife and I tied the note very early. I was 22. We had a kid only a few months later. That makes the kid at leagal drinking age, been driving and outta high school for a few years.

Thats what happens when ya start young.

Now Jaimus above (CONGRADS by the way Jaimus) waited a while. And I don't blame him. My advice to you Jaimus is watch the waist line ! LOL! And keep treating her like your dating her!

One of the keys in marrage is not getting stupid on her hobbies and she don't get stupid on mine, never did. She said "I don't care how many cars you have or in what state of repair there in, so long as I can park in the driveway, I don't care."

OK, was that not just openng the flood gate for me or what?!?!?!

I'm preety much the same for her. "What hunny, you purchased $400 in flowers to plant around the house??? Thats nice......."