72 duster Build progress

Man oh man you are very talented, the car is coming out quite well. Love the little signiture you left behind nice touch, can't wait to see more progress. Great Work!



It still seems like you got alot done to me.. LOL .. and yeah I am pretty happy we found and fixed my electrical issue.. it would've sucked big time to have done all this work, only to have the car catch fire.. and I can totally relate about just wanting the car to be done.. at this point I feel like the progress on the buggy is in slow motion.. sometimes it gets hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.. but I know we're gonna get there eventually...

yup I know that slow motion feeling lol.

doing it all by myself sucks the most....I don't have any friends that know how to do metal work or any body work.....or friends that could make time to help anyone but themself for that matter.
SO I do my best to plug away at it.....My goal is.....atleast I hope I can pull it off doing this all alone..... to have all the metal work and body work done and have it primed and on the road by august......that way I can still get a month or 2 worth of driving in before winter and then next spring all I should have to worry about doing is paint and stripes for the most part and enjoying driving it all summer!

I didnt really get anything done today, cold and rainy and I think I might be catching a cold (hope not). But I started to work on the quarter panel ...layed down a little short hair filler glass in a couple spots and went to sand it and my sander is a piece of crap so I decided to call it quites on the quarter for now ( going to pick up a electric D/A as soon as I can get some cash to do so.....my air compressor is to musch of a sissy to run an air sander).

so I ended up screwing around installing my 69 valiant grille finally.

I have sat it in there before for pictures but never mounted it in place.

being that its from a different year and model car it had SOME SLIGHT differences but nothing I was not able to remedy.

I had to trim some metal a bit and I had to drill a couple mounting holes.....but its installed for the most part now.