Mopar clutch posi? Boom! Not impressed.

Cone is better on the street, clutch is supposed to be better at the track, but only in the sense that it is rebuildable (cone can be machined too to freshen up) doesnt look like the SG unit was bad, just the side gears. MP is outsourced, everything MP can be found without the MP stamp on it, rockers, valve covers, camshafts, 'bout all that is proprietary Mopar are the W/P heads nowadays. Even MP intakes are cast at Edelbrock. So its not exclusively MP products that are bad, its their choice of manufacturers that are putting out a sub par product. Do you think MP would put their name on a $400 Milodon gear drive and sell it for $500, or rebadge a CAT drive at $55 and SELL it to the masses for $200? I laugh at the MP "hemi" lifters at $18 a pop. What fool buys those? Chi-nomics 101.......sad but true.

And ditto's on the smell of burned/old diff fluid: Barf out, gag me with a spoon!